Saturday, April 12, 2014

When you look into your copy of The US Constitution you will NOT SEE The So-called Bureau of Land Management      

When you look into your copy of The US Constitution you will NOT SEE The So-called Bureau of Land Management! It is not in the 22 Enumerated Powers of Congress of our US Constitution. Therefore it can not exist! It is unconstitutional and therefore illegal. Any American that can read can know  what is and is not authorized by our Constitution. Bureau of Land Management is not in The Constitution and has no business being in Nevada! BLM  does not exist! Agencies and all Departments [ except the Departments of Army and Navy ] are also not in our Constitution and do not exist in our creature government.  Remember, The People of The States created our US Constitution and then created a creature government which must "SUPPORT" the Constitution, Article 6, second paragraph . And real Presidents must not only "Support" the Constitution but also "
Preserve, Protect and Defend The Constitution", Article 2 Section 2 and in the same paragraph" must see that the laws are faithfully executed"; This is his sworn oath!. And in Article 2 Section 3, the acting President must "Take care that laws be faithfully executed!".  Has he done these things that are required by a President? NO!  Senator Harry Reid, from Nevada,  has not supported the Constitution either. They are breaking their oaths and should be removed from office! .... Nevada is a SOVEREIGN STATE and The people of Nevada are each SOVEREIGN  individuals with their own laws and with their own land. The federal government has no authority in Nevada!  ....Article one section 8 also says that CONGRESS has" exclusive legislative powers" over a District   [Not to exceed 10 miles square], and may, by cession of  particular  states and by the acceptance of congress,  be the seat of government. Likewise, "Congress can exercise like authority over all places bought  by the consent of the legislature of the state and for the specific purposes of "Erection of Forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards and other needful buildings".  Notice there is no mention of the Bureau of Land Management! It doesn't mention National Forests either. ..... Please read all! 

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