Friday, July 18, 2014

Zimbabwe Moving to Gold Backed Currency?

See the bottom link below for info specifically on the ZIM moving to Gold

This is just another indicator, among so many now, that the Fiat currency is on its way down and the world is moving to asset backed currencies.  Slow but sure....

Rather than what the cabal has planned the True New World Order will actually be one of peace, loving, compassion, health, wealth, happiness, abundance, prosperity and riches and touching to all with these gifts.  Remember, God's running the show.  In our loving hearts, we are sparks of God, here to experience, learn and grow.   And as the expansion of consciousness proceeds, that which is of a lower nature is getting stirred up to be transformed.  No matter what you see in the news, love.  No matter what you think is going on, love.  Love is the great transformer and completer.  Love is always the answer.  Love without conditions.  Unconditional love.

hang in there, guys
love and blessings to you


We only seem to hear that Zimbabwe has oil and precious metals and diamonds coming out their ears, so our only concern is asking, "How many zeros to lop off 100 Trillion?"   Here's some "boots on the ground" perspectives of their challenges now and ahead.  Nice to get a taste of, "The Rest of the Story!"  Looks like Mugabe is a Malaki on steroids:

introducing a gold-backed Zimbabwean dollar:
A gold backed currency for Zimbabwe
A gold backed currency for Zimbabwe
A paper prepared by Norman Mukwakwami, HME (UZ) November 2012 1.0 Introduction There’s a growing opinion tide advocating for the return of the ...
Preview by Yahoo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First the dinar and now the Zimbabwe dollar. Man oh man! The shit is getting deeper.