Monday, August 25, 2014

Check out THE MOST VIRAL VIDEO FOR 2014 - Safeshare.TV

Subject: FW: Fwd: Check out THE MOST VIRAL VIDEO FOR 2014 - Safeshare.TV
Date: 08/25/14 12:

Pls. take the time to listen to this in its entirety....   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Government and Obama is the problem... The voters are the problem... Hardly, that which owns the system and that wages war on human consciousness and feeds of humanity is the problem. A return to conservatism is not going to solve the existential crisis of mankind until we find our real enemy and address all the issues associated with it. What will mankind prove to be in the absense of systems that plague and afflict it? Isn't what we are all now experiencing on an often hellish planet the result of our collective thought? Should we not all be reminded and trained in this tremendous responsibility of being mindful of our thoughts and emotions? The world is a mirror, reflecting what is in our hearts and minds...