Monday, August 25, 2014


For yah:For some reason, I made a  post-it-note of early exchange one low denom note ( or all ) of Rupiah , WAIT..... hold Dong, and Zim ....  what do you guys think?

Donna Skinner:On the is being speculated that IF it comes out in the first basket, it will RV again later. 

 Speculation also wonders if the first rate on the 100 trillion note comes out with a lop of 6 zeros and 11 cents, it will RV at 22 cents later.  Remember this is speculation.

I think they are also saying that once these currencies RV, they will go up for a while and then level off to a lower rate. would need to watch the market closely if you go that way.
Classyone:Hope the 2008 50 trillion bills are in it too! :)

Mr t: 50 Ts will be included too.  I have heard that 6 0s can be lopped twice in one year. So that leads me to wonder if they might lop 6 more 0s in the second basket. No one has mentioned that before, but at .11 +, I will jump all over that in a heart beat. Has anybody else seen anything on the lopping of 6 0s twice in one year?

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