Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture

Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture

Now that the small “d” disclosure event has come to pass April 29th – May 3rd in Washington D.C. and all the testimony has been shared with former members of Congress we are prepared for big “D” Disclosure which will be President Obama with his Military and Intelligence representatives announcing to the world that the United States has engaged with Extraterrestrials. If another Head of State from another Country goes first President Obama will have to follow quickly behind and miss his chance at being The Disclosure President. At least thirteen other Countries Air Forces all have video tapes from their Fighter Gun Video Mounts with indisputable evidence that the United States and other governments have engaged with Extraterrestrials. It is time now for an official Announcement to the public and delaying it is very foolish for those involved who will be held accountable. Twelve years after 911 preempted enactment of NESARA Law public Announcements will begin the Economic and National Security Reformation. When you watched the testimony from these very brave men who are aged and have kept their secrets for a lifetime – did you contemplate what would have kept Disclosure from happening sooner? It wasnʻt the Nazi Extraterrestrial Crafts reported to Eisenhower by the CIA. It wasnʻt time traveling War Criminals traveling through rifts in time. It wasnʻt Alien Abductions or 911. Those events are greatly important but it is so much more!

Disclosure, Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law happen simultaneously. This will raise the collective consciousness of all on Earth. Everyone will be able to handle the Truth. We have been slowly prepared for a dozen years now. We are at a cross roads now that the final dubious plan has been averted by The Extraterrestrials working to free Earth from tyranny. It wonʻt be long now. Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved. http://GalacticRoundTable.net, http:// GalacticRoundTable.co, http://ElizabethTrutwin.org


Anonymous said...

I would like to know what 'tyranny' this woman is speaking of. Those of us who are AWAKE in the united States are fully aware of the satanic Nazi criminal TYRANNY this nation has been subjected to for the past 100+ years. We would welcome being freed from it. However, appearances do NOT demonstrate such will happen as the tyranny in our nation and caused worldwide by our tyrannical 'gov' continues non-stop. Unless and until we occupants of this planet rise up against the tyrants and take our countries back, the tyranny will continue and worsen. Analyze everything and don't accept someone's blog or post as being 'gospel' without PROOF AND EVIDENCE.

kevin t dowd said...

I totally agree with anonymous . We are awake and those who are not will welcome truth and prosperity. We love and support folks such as kevin annette , david ike , Dr. Steven greer , the white knights and all moral corageous people behind this movement alive and dead .So plain n simple lets get this done for all humanity now and for good.