Saturday, October 4, 2014

Broadcastify: A Site Where You Monitor Your Local Police/Fire /EMS Broadcasts On Your Computer.. A Poor Mans' Scanner.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Broadcastify: A Site Where You Monitor Your Local Police/Fire /EMS Broadcasts On Your Computer.. A Poor Mans' Scanner.
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Saturday, 4-Oct-2014 10:05:48

Here is a very neat website where you can listen to your city/county/state police/fire/EMS transmissions just like a scanner, for FREE on your computer.
Go to the site, find the map, click on your state, then click on your county. Or, if your browser does not support the map, click on 'listen' and enter the desired location/zip code..
A list of possible feeds pops up and you can even choose what media player you want to use to listen with.
Great for laptops and you can put the feed in the back ground to listen to while you continue to surf the web, etc.
It’s called Broadcastify.

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