Saturday, January 17, 2015


Drunk Chinese Man Gets Run Over After Mistaking Street for Bathroom..
A very drunk Chinese man thought the middle of the road was a restroom. (Screenshot/YouTube)
A very drunk Chinese man thought the middle of the road was a restroom   (Screenshot/YouTube)
Iris Lu
4 days ago
People do some awkward and unfortunate things when they drink too much, but this shows how vital it is to keep that last shred of consciousness so you can at least recognize the restroom.
The strange scene took place late on Jan. 9 in Zhejiang Province. Passers-by saw a drunk guy dancing along a road in Pujiang.  He staggered to the middle of the road, and stood on the double yellow line.
Apparently the man thought he’d found a toilet, because he suddenly dropped his pants like nobody was watching.
A witness called Mr. Huang said: “The man got hit by a car before we could call him back,” according to Qianjiang Evening News.

The driver immediately ran over to the drunk man, and stopped oncoming traffic. He lay there half-naked til the ambulance arrived to take him to hospital.  An examination showed that he had two broken ribs, and his hip needed to be reset.

In Mainland China, many people think it is acceptable to urinate or defecate in public. This has caused outrage overseas when Chinese tourists have allowed their children to behave like this in the street or a mall, the subway, or even a plane.

Some adults have done the same, and people in Hong Kong often get upset when mainlanders do this because they find the behavior disgusting, and feel this is giving Chinese people a bad name.


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