Saturday, January 17, 2015


Friday, 16 January 2015

Watching the positioning of the BRICs nations over the past two months has been VERY interesting.  Watching the positioning of Russia gathering up allies  and China buying up allies has also been very interesting to observe.

China has been making moves into Africa for a long time, but their recent moves into South America and the Caribbean arena has been very telling of a super power making it's moves to consolidate it's reach.

Russia on the other hand is also consolidating its power base.  While western media outlets like to portray Russia as the evil bad guy who's currency is crashing and economy is falling to pieces.... they do not like to actually shine any light on the very fact that Russia IS gathering a strong group of supporters, and their economy is no worse off than the US, England and the European Union.
In fact, in actuality Russia is much stronger than the entire group.  One of the reasons is the resilience of the Russian people and it's government to keep focused on internal issues- such as creating their OWN power, growing their OWN food- so that external pressures, like international sanctions and the collapse of the oil/OPEC market, are not as damaging to their internal structure as it would be to nations, like the US and UK, who live WAY beyond their means and have lost the ability to even feed themselves without needing to import external sources  to spoon feed them processed foods laden with chemicals and GMO toxins. 
But I digress.  That is an article for another day.

While the western media whores are distracting the world with visions of terrorists hiding behind every rock and tree, Russia and China have been quietly insuring that they have the power players already picked out and ready to put on their new jerseys.  The sudden appearance of the Eurasian Economic Union over the holidays and New Years, while penned in May of 2014 - without hardly a mention by western media - was a shock to many on January 2nd, 2015- more so when Russia told the European Union nations to come on over to their shiny new Union and leave that defunct busted ass EU behind....

Already France has called for abolishing the sanctions against Russia, and former German political figures jumped on that bandwagon as well. (interesting, eh?)  And a lot of nations are real cozy with Russia already, and not just the "baddies" like Syria and Iran as the western press would have you believe.
russia and pakistan

russia and monaco

China and Russia's alliances are well touted through the main stream media- seeing as they are both "the bad guy," so it's safe to draw those connecting lines publicly.  And the public knows about the BRICs nations-  or at least they should by now.  If they don't, perhaps we should just pull the plug now and stop those human sponges from wasting everyone else's air.  (Sorry, but the abject ignorance of the masses in certain places *cough cough cough *US* cough cough cough* makes me want to rip my hair out). 
But what is the real truth? First the BRICs are back in the media spotlight again- or at least, in the Russian media:

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