Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TIME TRAVELER: Gettysburg 1863 and 9/11 Was Known About 30 Years in Advance

Time Traveler Andrew Basiago.....  Gettysburg 1863 and 9/11 Was Known About 30 Years in Advance

In 1971 DARPA was doing time travel and most of you don't believe it, so you will hear an article about it and you will hear testimony from a 15 year old kid who saw Abraham Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address. He has grown up and now practices law in the state of Washington. His name is Andrew Basiago.

Anyone who brings such startling news to you is bound to receive harsh criticism because this event opens up some extraordinary possibilities that you are not likely ready to accept, so I'm not going to tell you about Viktor Grebennikov and his anti-gravity device just yet. We'll save that one for later. Giving you a chance to digest this one first, which is likely to give you indigestion or a heart attack.

I bring you the news about the Pegasus Project and let you in on a big secret.  Donald Rumsfeld (Ronald Dumbsfeld) knew about the 9/11 inside job false flag terrorist attack in 1971 and he did NOTHING to prevent it. There is a very good reason why he did nothing. He was in on it! 

Anyway, you all should know the truth. At the end of this video, you will hear Andy talking about his experiences with DARPA and the Pegasus Project. If you know how to use Google, you can find a lot more on the subjects, too...

Time Traveler Andrew Basiago
Gettysburg 1863 and 9/11 Was Known 30 Years in Advance

Published on Mar 20, 2012

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, when is the RV coming in advance. Then I will believe it.