Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The US is TRYING to Destroy the Dollar...to Change the System

Although Congress has "talked the talk" of balancing the budget and limiting the debt for over 40 years it has never really been done. Sure, the Clinton Administration appeared to make some inroads...but it was all smoke and mirrors. In the Clinton years they changed all the rules about what to report in order to make it look like things were getting better but it was all a con. They just changed the metrics and reporting rules...like calling Social Security payments "revenue" to offset even more spending and changing the components of the CPI to mask the real inflation rate.
The reality is that since March 31, 1982 the plan of the United States of America was to destroy the US Dollar and return to a true Constitutional Gold Standard. This was the day that the US Gold Commission Report was released with the following statement in the conclusion:
"The majority of us at this time favor essentially no change in the present role of gold. Yet, we are not prepared to rule out that an enlarged role for gold may emerge at some future date. If reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency are not restored in the years ahead, we believe that those who advocate an immediate return to gold will grow in numbers and political influence."

Has "reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency" been the goal since 1982? No. Exactly the opposite and it was all done on purpose! There is no better explanation for the rampant monetary creation in the United States since the release of this report. Here is the truth...

Why the US is TRYING to Destroy the Dollar

The end of the planned implementation of the Road to Roota Theory was never meant to be smooth or easy. It meant to be difficult for everyone. It must be in order to have enough people angry enough to force the change.

And that's exactly what we need...CHANGE!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir
PS - *Buy the book as it tells you all about who, how, why and WHEN!
The Book: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The intent was to replace the unsecured notes that were printed by a corporation called the Federal Reserve Bank, which is not a Federal agency, but a corporation registered in Delaware and owned by a group of people that have a principle residence outside the US of A. They are not part of the Federal Treasury!!!! There is a group, called the Cabal, that has controlled the use of the monetary system that now owes 17 trillion dollars to the rest of the world and they don't want any worthless paper any more. The Euro money is no longer accepted either!!!! All countries are going to establish their own monetary system that will be secured by the assets within their own country. Other countries will not do business with a country that does not provide value for products. This movement around the world is called The Global Currency Reset (GCR) and is rapidly gaining ground. The American People do not owe the debt of the Federal Reserve System!!!!! We are going have a Treasury that issues dollars fully secured by our own assets!!!! It would appear that Bix Weir is trying to sell books under false pretenses!!!!!!!!! The news media is owned and controlled by the Cabal. That's why we never hear about this movement to stimulate the economic success of all of the countries around the world by eliminating the use of unsecured paper and establishing a common monetary system with no currency exchange rates. Hang in there every thing is going to get a lot better!!!!!