Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Voters blame politicians for 'war on police'

Voters blame politicians for 'war on police'

6 of 10 say 'critical' comments 'make it more dangerous'

Only days after WND reported Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke accused the Obama administration of leading a “war” against police, a new poll shows a majority of voters essentially agree.
Wednesday’s poll by Rasmussen Reports showed nearly six of 10 voters (58 percent) believe there is such a war, and 60 percent “believe comments critical of the police by some politicians make it more dangerous for police officers to do their jobs.”
Clarke made his comments after the ambush and shooting death of a Houston officer at a gas station.
“I said last December that war had been declared on the American police officer, led by some high profile people – one of them coming out of the White House, one of them coming out of the Department of Justice,” Clarke told Fox News on Saturday.
“It’s open season right now, no doubt about it. … I’m tired of hearing people call [Black Lives Matter] black activists. They’re black slime, and it needs to be eradicated from American society and American culture. I need every law-abiding person in the United States of America to stand up and start pushing back against this slime, this filth disparaging the American law enforcement officers within these communities,” Clarke said.
Rasmussen reported, “With officers murdered in Texas and Illinois in just the last few days, most voters now believe the police are under attack in America and blame politicians critical of the cops for fanning the flames.”
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Its survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted Aug. 31 to Sept. 1 with a sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points and a 95 percent level of confidence.
It found only 27 percent disagree there is a war on police, and 15 percent were undecided.
Only 18 percent said politicians’ comments “improve the quality of the police’s performance,” and 13 percent said they have no impact.
“While there is usually a wide racial difference of opinion on questions related to the police, most black voters (54 percent) agree with the majority of white (60 percent) and other minority voters (56 percent) that there is a war on police underway,” Rasmussen reported.
“Blacks (36 percent) are far less likely than whites (66 percent) and other minorities (55 percent), however, to say the comments of some politicians are making it more dangerous for the police. There’s very little belief in any of the groups, though, that the comments are improving police performance,” the poll said.
The protests, Rasmussen reported, have been surging since the August 2014 shooting of a black teenager by a white policeman in Ferguson, Missouri.
A grand jury cleared the officer of criminal charges, and the federal government declined to pursue any prosecution as the evidence indicated the teen, at nearly 300 pounds, charged the officer and tried to wrest his gun from him.
Nevertheless, the “Black Lives Matter” movement was launched, fueling accusations that police departments across the country are discriminating against blacks.
Rasmussen found 82 percent of black voters think most black Americans get unfair treatment from police. White voters by a 56 percent to 30 percent margin disagree.
And 72 percent of Americans have a favorable view of police where they live.
Seventy-eight percent of Republicans think there is a war on police now, compared to 48 percent of Democrats and 52 percent of voters “not affiliated with either major party.”
Twenty-six percent of Democrats say political comments critical of police are helping the officers, while only 12 percent of GOP voters believe that.
More than three-fourths of those who already say there is a war on cops “believe the critical comments by some politicians make it more dangerous for the cops.”
And 70 percent of voters believe that the level of crime in low-income city neighborhoods is a bigger problem that police discrimination against minorities.
Eric Golub in a commentary at Communities Digital News said Black Lives Matter is just the latest iteration of the Black Panther and the New Black Panther parties.
“The violence in our streets did not start with President Obama, but he owns the current round of it lock, stock and barrel,” he wrote. “His ideological fingerprints are all over it.
“When a white Cambridge police officer legally detained an arrogant black Harvard professor who shouted at him, ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ Obama reflexively and wrongly assumed that the white police officer ‘acted stupidly,’” he wrote.
Just a couple of weeks earlier, the chief of the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild accused the federal government of declaring “war on cops.”
The group’s president, Ron Smith, said, “The administration’s message has fueled the war on cops!! Quote me!!”
Louisiana State Sen. Elbert Guillory was quoted at Breitbart saying, “In Ferguson, Obama and [then-Attorney General Eric] Holder had to find something. That was a terrible mistake; undermining the police officers there and of police officers in general.
The Washington Post also reported that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, believes law enforcement is under assault “due in part to enmity toward policy from the Obama administration.”
He said: “Cops across this country are feeling the assault. They’re feeling the assault from the president from the top on down as we see. Whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore, the response of senior officials of the president, of the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all.”
Watch Clarke’s comments:


Anonymous said...

The police departments need to get on the right side of the line....all of the officers that are mind controlled need to be put on desk jobs as the aho's are using min\d control as well as the Nano particles FROM CHEMTRAILS (circuits in their brains) to cause them to do stupid things such as the Dallas police shooting a young man with his hands up in the air a few days ago.....nothing never is done about this kind if shitttola....then they come out dressed like black opts driving tank vehicles... IF THEY DON'T STOP ACTING LIKE THE TOUGH GUY I'M KING KONG AHO'S THEY ARE ACTING LIKE, THEY WILL ALL BE HUNG OFF LIGHT POSTS....IF YOU EVER SAW A 30 MILLION MAN ARMY.....THAT IS ONLY 1/3RD THE SIZE IT COULD BE....THE PATIENTS ARE RUNNING VERY THIN FROM WORD ON THE STREET ABOUT E V E R Y T H I N G GOING ON, ON THE STREET....

Anonymous said...

The news keeps talking about how dangerous being a Policeman is but last I saw they ranked number 42 on the list for most dangerous jobs.

They would rank even lower if it wasn't for fact that about one-half of the Officers that are killed are killed by other Officers.

If Officers are only suppose to shoot only when their lives are in danger, how is it that Officers are killing other Officers? Oh that's right, statistics show that any of the other Officers around them may be ready to shoot them at any moment because they are all shooting at anything that moves.

Sounds like if you are around other Officers just don't move. Problem solved.
Ken T.

Anonymous said...

The police need to wake up and understand that they are used as battery rams and then they will be discarded by the elite. Please all police officers start doing your research and understand that the American people for the most part (as there are dangers out there that are real and the people understand it) but we are not against you. must be with us because the elite are using you and you are on the wrong side of THE LAW OF THE [LAND.] You are enforcing the LAW of the SEA (statutes codes and ordinances) and not lawful law. Know who you are working for and do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Dittos These men and women with a gun, badge and 007 license are the most dangerous element in our society today, especially when they put on their magic suits out lookin for that next adrenalin fix. I believe there were about 1200 fatal police shootings last year across this country and only a few were ever prosecuted that usually ended up as a dog and pony show throw the sheeple a bone. The dogs keep on barkin, but the caravan moves on and it all continues to be business as usual.
I also understand that it usually is the district attorney in any local empire who instruct the corporate thugs, aka as police, how to deal with the public. It used to be where the gun and a badge offered a little protection and security, but today it SCREAMS! with FORCE and VIOLENCE! The only obligation all Blue Gang members have is to protect the corporation and their pay checks. I do not support or condone harm or violence toward anyone, but unfortunately the conscious level is at a very low vibration on all sides and all by design. We are living in the Twilight Zone on Steroids and it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly deceived sick and twisted society.

The only job of any so called government or authoritarian body is to PROTECT the people period. It's called the Prime Law: Article I: No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual's self, property, or contract.
Article II: Force is morally and legally justified only for protection from those who violate Article I
Article III: No exceptions shall exist for Article I and II

Anonymous said...

Any one that is a cop or a soldier are wants to be one of those is mentally ill.