Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Brzezinski’s comment exposes US assets in Syria: Scholar......

Brzezinski’s comment exposes US assets in Syria: Scholar......


Tue Oct 6, 2015 7:40PM

Brzezinski’s assertion that the US should retaliate against Moscow for Russian airstrikes against US assets in Syria is a stunning admission, Dr. Kevin Barrett says.

Former US national security adviser  Zbigniew Brzezinski’s assertion that Washington should retaliate against Moscow for Russian airstrikes against US assets in Syria is a “stunning admission” of the role America has played in the Syrian crisis, an American scholar in Wisconsin says.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a founding member of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on Brzezinski’s latest article about Russia in the Financial Times.
Brzezinski advised President Barack Obama to attempt to disarm the Russians if they keep attacking the CIA-trained militants in Syria.
"The Russian naval and air presences in Syria are vulnerable, isolated geographically from their homeland," Brzezinski wrote on Sunday. "They could be 'disarmed' if they persist in provoking the US."
Dr. Barrett said that it is “a stunning admission from a senior high-level policy adviser here in the US that the US in fact using al-Qaeda, or perhaps the Islamic State [the Daesh/ISIL terrorist group] as well, as assets.”
“This is not something that is normally admitted by officials from Washington, DC, that is that al-Qaeda in Syria, the al-Nusra Front, is actually a US ally,” he added.
Brzezinski wrote that Moscow's apparent decision to strike CIA’s militants "at best" reflects "Russian military incompetence," and worst, "evidence of a dangerous desire to highlight American political impotence.” He added that if Moscow continues to target these people, then Washington should retaliate against Russians.
Commenting to Press TV, Dr. Barrett said that “the American people will be very interested to hear that just 14 years after the attacks of September 11th, 2001, which were officially blamed on al-Qaeda - which even then was called by some people al-CIA-duh, having had relationships with the US in the Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union - that this supposedly demonized enemy group that we were told was responsible for killing 3,000 Americans on September 11th, 2001 is now our ally in Syria, and we should to go war with Russia and risk a nuclear war that could end life on the planet in order to punish Russia for fighting against al-Qaeda.”
“It’s kind of mind-boggling that anyone could even imagine the US retaliating  against Russia for Russia’s attacks on al-Qaeda, but that’s precisely what Brzezinski said,” he stated.
“And Brzezinski, for better of course, is actually considered one of the more sensible and level-headed people in Washington, DC which tells you something about other people around him, the neoconservatives who are much crazier than even he is,” said Dr. Barrett, the author of Questioning the War on Terror.
“I guess to explain this, we have just to note Brzezinski’s background; he is from a Polish nobility kind of family background which explains why he hates Russia so much, and has been trying to push aggressive policies against Russia throughout his whole life,” he pointed out.
“But it’s still stunning and disgraceful that when Russia has intervened at the behest of the Syrian government, which is fully legitimate under international law, to shore up that government against these [terrorist] groups like al-Nusra and the Islamic State in order to try to stabilize the situation and lay the groundwork for a kind of peaceful solution, that the response from Brzezinski would be that we need to attack Russia,” Dr. Barrett observed.


Anonymous said...

When will Brzezinski and all the rest of the traitor criminals in that cesspool we call DC, District of Criminals going to get a rope around their neck?

Anonymous said...

has anyone seen this creature Brzezinski it is hard to tell what planet he came from, but it is a possible that he could be a Reptilian Hybrid in which case I could be wrong, but he sure looks more like a Jesus Christ Lizard, but at the same time I feel a little pity for him, and in case he may catch something from the earth species it may be better to find a little compound of his own. TONY LANE

Anonymous said...

How does Russia "handle" it's current enemies of the State?

Even though Brzezinski lives on foreign soil, do the Russians not have agents to deal with this sort of warmongering?