Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Rational Case in Defense of Ammon Bundy and the Oregon Occupation


Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. is the 64th Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. In 2002, Clarke was appointed to a vacancy by Governor Scott McCallum, and later elected that same year to his first four-year term. He was re-elected in November 2006, 2010, and 2014, and is currently serving his fourth full term.


Sheriff David Clarke
Originally Broadcast on January 9, 2016
Amidst all the recent controversy regarding the protest in Oregon, readers may have missed an exceptional American leader speak out in support of the Hammonds and the Oregon occupation earlier last month.
“There is no working things out with this federal government…I’m through waiting for the next election… I don’t want it to come to armed conflict against the federal government…and that that county Sheriff didn’t stick up for the Hammonds in this situation, against this overbearing, overreaching federal government…its a travesty.  Somebody had to do something!” – Sheriff David Clarke
On January 9, 2016, well-known and broadly-respected Sheriff David Clarke took his entire radio broadcast (40 min) to examine the background and motivation behind the protest and occupation at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, led by Ammon Bundy and LaVoy Finicum.  Asking the American people “What are you willing to do” about growing federal tyranny, Sheriff Clark provides a rational case in defense of the occupation.
“Maybe if the state of Oregon, and its officials and its political class and its Sheriff had done something for the Hammond family, maybe people would not have had to come from afar, to stick up for principle.”
Concluding, Sheriff Clark publicly supported Ammon, LaVoy and the occupiers calling them a “small band of patriots…”

Sheriff David Clarke
The Siege in Burns, Oregon - The People's Sheriff 01/09/16


Anonymous said...

What the the EPA too?

Anonymous said...

I have a question for Sheriff David Clarke. The question or situation was actually brought up on Co-creating Our Future on Planet Earth, Jean Haines website. Krisanne Hall show in her response to Oregon Sheriff Association Press Release.
Do the sheriffs really not know the constitution or what their job really involves? How can this be confusion be cleaned up?
Actually, I guess I should look to myself on that issue as well. I have taken that oath to the defend the constitution as well. And I am still learning what that means.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a third option that you didn't point out. There are men and women who only play lip service to that oath with no intention of following through with it. That goes for any person who is required to take that oath.

Concerning Sheriffs, and law enforcement in general, we need to also consider the fact that it is one of the preferred careers of psychopaths and sociopaths, who have ulterior motives for the decisions they make like power and control in lieu of protect and serve.

Anonymous said...

I really think I like and totally desire to learn the true content of the constitution. That being said if I have that knowledge or (get this, more usable knowledge of the constitution). I can hold others that should be in the position to higher standards and may also a) give support to the confused b) be a source of information for others to grow in the own constitution way.

To be honest, I do have an anxiety about someone being crazy and saying put on that tin star. Because there are a lot of psychopaths in that field. And in saying that, who started requiring our decent law enforcement folks to go to such shit training activities as shot the mothers or the kids. I really don't believe when these people started their careers in law enforcement they wanted to be twisted folks. Some of that training will twist a folk. This sort of training started with the patriot act. Thank you mr bush.

Be the change you want. Start with knowledge and learning.

I am going to check out Sheriff Clarke radio show and I have checked out Krisanne Hall shows.

What are you going to do................