Friday, February 12, 2016

Harney County Court & Feds Agree

Feb 12 2016

In a statement released by Harney County Court on the end of the 41 day Oregon Wildlife occupation, the court claimed that the protesters acted criminally, but said nothing of the criminal usurpation of controlling land by the federal government. To no one's surprise, the unconstitutional agency known as the US Fish & Wildlife supported that claim. 
Following the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, the Harney County Court issued the following statement: 
Statement from on the end of the armed occupation. 
"The occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is over," the statement read. "Law enforcement will now be able to begin the process of clearing booby traps and processing the crime scene.

Let's be clear, armed occupation of 'federal property' is a crime.  It is not a peaceful protest, and the illegal taking of federal property is a matter rightly dealt with by the FBI."

The problem is that, according to the few remaining holdouts (listen below), not only did they clean up the place that they occupied but they also discovered that it had not been taken care of properly and numerous documents were found which, according to sources who have contacted this writer, have been photographed and moved outside the refuge area. That information is said to be "damning" to the 'federal government'. 

There were not "booby traps" laid. There is no "crime scene." The only crime I've witnessed in the entire matter was when government employees gunned down an unarmed man in cold blood in the middle of nowhere.

Noticeably missing from the court's statement was the fact that the actual criminal act is by the 'federal government' itself.

As has been pointed out before, that land does not lawfully belong to the DC government, but rather to the people of the State of Oregon, as well as any other federal land that is outside the ten square miles authorized in the Constitution, or has been purchased with authorization by the state legislatures for appropriate buildings per the Constitution.

The Constitution is clear about what land the federal government may possess and for what purposes. Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of the US Constitution states:
The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States...."
However, that power is limited immensely in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 about 'federal' control of land..

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings– (Emphasis added).  

So, the only people who are actually violating the law are the feds, period. 

Being armed is not a crime. It's protected under the Second Amendment

Protesting your government is not a crime. It's protected under the First Amendment

The people of Harney County should see to it that every judge in the kangaroo court in Harney County be impeached for bad behavior by siding with the criminals rather than those who have been violated. 

The US Fish & Wildlife also chimed in with this tweet
The unconstitutional (not authorized by the US Constitution) agency wrote, "We are relieved that the 'illegal occupation' of Malheur NWR is over."

Sadly, the only relief they feel is that the apparent silencing of voices of those pointing out their crimes, but there are literally thousands of us openly declaring the same thing. They can't shut us all up!


Teepee said...

First, the heading for this blog site in red states: "HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF BECAUSE
DENIERS REFUSE TO BELIEVE AND TO ACT TO PUT A STOP TO THE TYRANNY WHAT YOU CONTINUE TO ALLOW WILL COME BACK ON YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS" The statement also references Oregon & Nevada. How true this statement is. I've always been a law-abiding citizen following all the rules & regulations of our "wonderful government". (Oh I did speed occasionally & got away with it.) I voted dutifully for a "better government". What a fool I was to think my vote actually counted & provided a secure land of the free. I recall in 1970 (?) when innocent college students were gunned down for peacefully protesting the Viet Nam war at Kent State University. I questioned that quietly as most citizens did after listening to "their" lies for excuses. Then there was Waco. I started to wake up. How could our gov. do such an atrocity to innocent citizens to include innocent little children. Our gov. wanted to "save" the children from sexual abuse. So they burned them alive to "save" them. And the American citizens let them get away with it. I don't recall an uprising to prohibit further abuse of power. We also never stood up for those at Ruby Ridge. The gov. learned we were nothing but scared chickens to stand up for our rights and they could continue to use their "badge of authority" over us. If we as a country would have stood up after any and each of these acts of tyranny by our "wonderful government", we could have prevented further abuse of power that we see today.
Secondly, in the Statement by the Harney County Court, it is stated in the last line that they "look forward to the day when our community is ours, once again." When I read that, the thought that came to my mind was they can't wait until all the militia, and oathkeepers are gone, so they can continue with their corrupt ways without any interference; thus the community would be "theirs" once again.
Thirdly, the US Fish & Wildlife tweeted a phrase that the Malheur is "a model of collaborative conservation." Webster's New Word Dictionary defines collaborative as 1. to work together. 2. to cooperate with the enemy. I'm wondering which definition I should be using to define their statement? I'm leaning toward #2 with the enemy being the BLM and our "wonderful government".

Freewill said...

I agree 100%